2014년 9월 29일 월요일

My interest : good restaurants in Wangshimni.

 I want to introduce good restaurants or dessert cafes in Wangshimni.

Firstly, 'Dal-da-rae' is my favorite ice flake cafe. I love Daldarae because it has very clean and lovely interior. Also, more importantly it has many kinds of delicious Bingsoo. I can eat different Bingsoo everyday. Furthermore, they only use fresh and organic food materials. So I can trust their foods.

Secondly, I want to introduce my favorite pork restaurant, 'Donenoo'. It is very cheap. It only costs 6000won per dish. Also, it has very thick meat, which makes Donenoo far better than the other pork houses in Wangshimni. Plus, it has many side dishes and I can eat them as much as I want! They sell naengmyeon too, and it's very delicious. I think many foreigners will enjoy the delicious pork and side dishes, too.

댓글 4개:

  1. Oh I like both of them too!
    Especially 'Dal-da-rae' is my favorite.
    Usually I went to 'Sul-bing' to eat lots of delicious Bingsoo.
    But I didn't like the place for all the noise that so many people made.
    So nowadays I like 'Dal-da-rae' because it's delicious and quiet!

    And I like 'Donenoo' too, but I prefer 'Mapo gal-mae-gi' a little more.
    Because if you go there, they give you something like a fried egg.
    I like eating pork with that fried egg on!
    I recommend this place too~~

  2. I love 'Dal-da-rae' too! But I've never gone to 'Donenoo'. Where's it located? I want to try that place.

  3. Oh! I also like to go 'Dal-da-rae' and eat injeolmi toast. Sadly, I can't go there many times because the menus in there are little bit expensive. I want to recognize 'tting-ttong waffle'. There sales waffle in very cheap price. Also. 'Iceberry' is good cafe especially fruit ice flacks is so delicious.
    If you like to eat chicken, you should go to 'oven maru'. It is cheap and very good taste. My most favorite chicken restaurant.

  4. I really like it =3 I have been to Dal-da-rae because i went to eat yogurt Bingsoo.
    I really excitetd that the place' interior is unique and simple. Also, Bingsoo is so tasty^^ As you recommend Wangsimni' tasty store, I recommend tasty store.
    When I'm thirsty and hungry, I go to the 'fomfriz' which is focused fried potatoes. This place is diffrent from another fried potatoes store. Potatoes of this store is thick and tasty. Although you don't like potatoes, I recommend this store. If you go there, your thinking will be diffrent~!!!
